Custom Coupon Type
- Upto fixed cart discount
- Upto fixed product discount
- Upto percent discount
Coupons Reporting
- Most discounted coupons
- Top 5 most discounted coupons
- Top 5 most popular coupons
- Top 5 most discounted customers
- Discounted coupon type with amount
- Most discounted states
- Most discounted countery
- Used coupons details in respect to order & customers
Display coupon offer popup
- Offer display page selection
- Offer coupon code selection
- Offer display type selection
- Inline offer on selected page
- Popup offer display on selected page
- Customizable offer Template
- Who will see the coupon offer Banner
Apply Coupon on placed order feature for Customer
- Merchant can set maximum days for coupon apply
- Merchant can select order status on which coupon code allowed to apply on Order
- Merchant can set allowed coupons count for o Order
- Merchant can set minimum order amount for apply a coupon
- Customer can remove order coupons from order
Refund Coupons amount to customers of customers allready paid
Merchant can select order status for Refund amount
Dedicated wallet gateway & wallet system for refund amount
Dedicated mailing system for notification on each step
- Fully custimizable email templates
- Compatible with all email customizer plugin
Merchant can allow customer to reguest apply coupon an a order if he/she forgatten to apply
- Merchant can accept or reject customer request
- Customer will notifie if coupon apply request is acepeted or rejected