Admin can choose some specific customer as his Plus Member so that he can give some additional discounts to his Plus Members.
He can choose customers directly from the user list table of user page or he can make certain conditions and restrictions ( like Minimum Numbers of Previous Orders done by a customer, Minimum amount spent by a customer, Minimum number of Products purchased by a customer , User role, For how long a customer is registered or in the Combination of all ) to become a Plus Member these.
For making Plus Member Rule Select Plus Members Tab.
Now click on Add New Rule.

Fill Rule, Restrictions and Validity tabs accordingly.
After saving the rule it can be seen in the given table below.

You can add a user directly to Plus Member for the User List table of users page as shown below.

Note: This rule is only to make Plus Member on your site if you want to give discount you have to set discount rule for plus member as given in the next section.