Reset Password
Users can generate a password by clicking the link that they get on their Email after successful registration, which can redirect to our Custom Reset Password page.

In the Overview tab, you can see the following options:
- Total no of referrals.
- Total Commission.
- Wallet amount.
- Approved Commission.
- Pending Commission.
- Send Mail for withdraw of commission.
- generate coupons.
- View referral reject reason.
By clicking on View Reason Affiliate can see the reason why their request is rejected.

From the Commission tab, the user will get to know about the commissions defined for different products and categories.
Affiliate Tools

To generate referral links, banners and QR code, the user needs to enter the product URL for which he needs to generate referrals. Users can also share their referral links on the Social Media platform.

From Download section user can generate a file that will contain referral link and commission details for all the products of a particular category.

From Payout Section Affiliates can –
- Opt-In/out from receiving mails
- Setup their Payment Method
From Profile Section Affiliates can –
- View their details.
- Update their details.
MLM ( Multi-level Marketing )

From MLM section an Affiliate can check –
- Type of MLM Plan
- Numbers of children he needs to start generating commission
- MLM Levels and the commission that will be given to him for each level
- Affiliate can also see his MLM chain and can also activate/deactivate his members if allowed by admin